Ulrich Bernath
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Qualifications:
Dr. phil. (Ph.D. in education) from the
Diplom-Ökonom (graduate degree in economics) from Justus Liebig-University of
Certificate of Completion. Faculty WebTycho Training, University of
Awards & Accreditations:
June 10, 2009 named an EDEN Senior Fellow by the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) https://eden-europe.eu/30/history-of-eden/
June 13, 2007 named an
Sep 11, 2006 recipient of the Faculty Service Award, University of
2006 EFMD CEL accreditation awarded to the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) Master of Distance Education (MDE) program.
2003 Most Outstanding Online Teaching & Learning Program Award, presented to the Master of Distance Education (MDE) by the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C).
2003 Program of Excellence Award, presented to the Master of Distance Education (MDE) by the Distance Learning Community of Practice of the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA).
Professional Employment & Experience:
Aug 24, 2006 – to date Chair of the Board of Trustees and Directors of the Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning. https://www.frodl.org/ and https://www.stiftung-fernstudienforschung.de/
2002 – 2011 Adjunct Professor University of Maryland University College (UMUC) Graduate School of Management and Technology. Teaching OMDE 670 (former 690) the capstone course „Distance Education Portfolio and Project“.
1978 – Sep 30, 2006 Director of the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (became the Center for Lifelong Learning) https://uol.de/c3l
2005 – 2006 Academic Director (1999 – 2005 Managing Director) of the Arbeitsstelle Fernstudienforschung (ASF), a joint venture on research in distance education of the School of Education and the Center for Distance Education.
2004 – 2006 elected member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Distributed eLearning at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
2002 – 2004 Managing Director of the Task Force Distance Education for Sustainable Development (DESDE), a joint initiative of the Faculty of Sciences and the Center for Distance Education.
2000 – 2001 Lead Faculty for the Foundations of Distance Education course, the recommended course for the beginners in the MDE program.
2000 – 2006 Programme Director at Oldenburg University for the MDE programme. Oldenburg is responsible for designing and devloping six courses and two certificate programmes for the online Master of Distance Education jointly offered with the University of Maryland University College, Graduate School of Management and Technology.
1996 – 1998 Program Director of the virtual seminar for university faculty and administrators Professional Development in Distance Education jointly offered by Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Center for Distance Education and University of Maryland System, Institute for Distance Education. The virtual seminar was funded by the AT&T/ICDE „Global Distance Learning Initiative“. The three ten-weeks-long courses were team-taught by Ulrich Bernath and Dr. Eugene Rubin, University of Maryland University College.
1995 and 1996 Faculty at Towson State University. Teaching the Distance Education in Theory and Practice course during the mini-mester in January 1995 and 1996 as well as on the online „Advanced Distance Education“ independent graduate study course in Fall 1995.
1993/4 Visiting exchange scholar at Towson State University (now Towson University), Maryland, USA, School of Education. Developed, designed and taught the special topic graduate course EDUC 670 Distance Education in Theory and Practice.
1977 – 1978 Academic Assistant in Didactics of Economic Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, School of Law, Economics and Business Administration. (This position is equivalent to a tenured associate professor with regular teaching responsibilities in graduate programs and with research responsibilties.)
1974 – 1977 Academic Assistant in Economics at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, School of Law, Economics and Business Administration. (This position is comparable to a non-tenured associate professor with regular teaching responsibilities in graduate programs and with research reponsibilties.)
1970 – 1974 Assistant to the Chair of Economics at Justus Liebig-University of Giessen, School of Law, Economics and Business Administration. (The position is comparable to a non-tenured assistant professor with regular teaching responsibilities in the graduate program and with research involvement with particular emphasise on the analysis of regional development processes in Brazil.)
Related Professional Experience:
2011 external advisor of the ERASMUS-funded project Lived Experience of Climate Change: E-Learning and Virtual Mobility (LECHe).
2008 – 2021 co-ordinator of the selection process for EDEN’s Best Research Paper Award. https://eden-europe.eu/30/history-of-eden/
2007 appointed member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of The International Journal of Excellence in eLearning.
2006 appointed member of the Editorial Board of Distance Education.
2006 – 2008 Auditor for EFMD CEL Programme Accreditation for Technology-Enhanced Learning.
2006 appointed member of the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Distance Education/Revue de l´Education à Distance.
2005 – 2006 member of the Advisory Board of EFMD CEL Programme Accreditation for Technology-Enhanced Learning.
2005 – to date member of the Editorial Board of The American Journal of Distance Education. https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hajd20
2004 – 2020 member of the Editorial Board and and from 2013 – 2020 Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal for Open and Distance Learning (EURODL). https://sciendo.com/journal/eurodl and https://eden-europe.eu/30/eurodl/
2003 appointed member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Asian Journal of Distance Education.
2000 appointed Consulting Editor of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.
2000 – 2009 lead editor of the ASF Series in distance education. https://uol.de/c3l/forschung/publikationen/asf-serie
2009 member of the Programme Committee of the EDEN 2009 Annual Conference on Innovation in Learning Communities. What did you invent for tomorrow?, Gdansk/Poland, June 10 – 13, 2009.
2009 – 2011 member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Indian Journal of Open Learning.
2008 Co-Chair of the Programme Committee of the 5th EDEN Research Workshop on Researching and promoting access to education and training: the role of distance education and e-learning in technology-enhanced environments, Paris, Oct 20 – 22, 2008.
2008 member of the Programme Committee of the EDEN 2008 Annual Conference on New Learning Cultures. How do we learn? Where do we learn?, Lisbon/Portugal, June 11 – 14, 2008.
2007 Evaluation of grant proposal for the Research Council of Norway.
2007 member of the Programme Committee of the EDEN 2007 Annual Conference on New Learning 2.0? Emerging
2007 – 2011 member of the International Advisory Board, Universidade Aberta/Portugal.
2006 – 2008 Chairing parallel sessions on „ePortfolios“ at ONLINE EDUCA in Berlin.
2006 member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th EDEN Research Workshop in
2006 member of the Programme Committee of the EDEN 2006 Annual Conference on E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation, Vienna/Austria June 14 – 17, 2006.
2005 – 2007 consultant at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), School of Management (SOM) on behalf of the GTZ for the Implementation of E-Learning in MBA Programmes at AIT
2005 Reviewer in the research focus area on distance education for the Bund-Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion.
2005 member of the Programme Committee of the EDEN 2005 Annual Conference on Lifelong E-Learning – Bringing e-learning close to lifelong learning and working life: a new period of uptake, Helsinki/Finland June 20 – 23, 2005.
2004 (June 7 – 10) invited participant of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Institute on Strategies for Sustainable Open and Distance Learning, Sidney BC, Canada
2004 (April 21) invited particpant of the Volkswagen AutoUni Workshop on Learning Strategy and Technology in Wolfsburg/Germany.
2004 (April 12 – 14) consultant at the University for Peace, Center for Education and Information Technology, San José/Costa Rica.
2004 Co-Chair of the Programme and Organising Committee of the Third EDEN Research Workshop on Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning, Oldenburg March 4 – 6, 2004.
2004 – 2006 member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Indian Journal of Open Learning.
2003 to 2006 member of the Advisory Board of the project „Fernstudiematerialen Geoinformatik“ (FerGi).
2003 – 2009 elected and in 2006 re-elected member of the Executive Committee of the European Distance Education and E-Learning Network (EDEN).
2002 -2007 elected and in 2005 re-elected member of the Steering Committee of the EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP).
2002 – 2006 member of the Academic Advisory Council for Continuing and Distance Education at the University of Rostock/Germany.
2001 Project manager and lead tutor of two ten-weeks-long online Essentials of Online Learningcourses for Nokia Human Resource Development Staff.
2000 (Nov 20) invited participant of the Nokia Mobile Learning Think Tank in
1999 – 2001 Advisory Board of the TeleCampus Online Course Directory.
1999 Chair of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities‘ (EADTU) Focus Group on Staff Development, conducted a survey of EADTU Member institutions on professional development in open and distance learning.
1998 founding member of a joint initiative for The Future of Learning & Training, designing innovative settings and modes to enhance computer-supported co-operative learning and training.
1995 – 2001 Head of the Oldenburg Branch of the ICDE General Secretariat, responsible for
1995 Co-founder and past co-president of the AG-F, the German Association of University Distance Education.
1995 – 2006 responsible for international relations for the association.
2001 – 2003 responsible for the AG-F special conference on distance learning in conjunction with the LEARNTEC in
1992 Co-founder of the EuroStudy Centre Network of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) and founder of the European Study Center Network North-West Germany (ESCN) of the Universities of Bremen, Hamburg,
1991 – 2003 Co-ordinator of the Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen (Psycho-Social Aspects in Healthcare Delivery) a networked program for professional development in health care by nine universities. In 1998, the Robert Bosch Foundation granted a German-American follow-up project for the adaptation of the German course materials to the American community of health care providers. The material was published by BIS-Verlag in 2002 under the title The Healing Partnership. A New Model for Health Care Providers and Their Patients.
SZÜCS, A. & BERNATH, U. (Eds.) (2011). Best of EDEN 2010. The best research papers presented at the 2010 EDEN Conferences. Budapest: EDEN Secretariat, 136 pp.
HÜLSMANN, T. & BERNATH, U. (2010). Knowledge Management as Professional Development: The Case of the MDE. In J. Liebowitz& M.S. Frank (Eds.) Knowledge Management and E-Learning. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 253 – 271
BERNATH, U. (2010). The EFMD CEL programme accreditation for teChnology-Enhanced Learning as a benchmark for FoSentHe. In Fostering Entrepreneurship in Higher Education (FoSentHE) Newsletter, 5/6th Issue – 2010, University of Zagreb, pp. 38 – 42
BERNATH, U., SZÜCS, A., TAIT, A. & VIDAL, M. (Eds.) (2009). Distance and E-Learning in Transition: Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges. London/Hoboken N.J.: ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
BERNATH, U., BRAHM, T., EULER, D. & SEUFERT S. (2008). EFMD CEL Programme Accreditation for Technology-Enhanced Learning. Lessons Learned. In International Journal of Excellence in e-Learning, Vol 1(2), 24 pp.
BERNATH, U. & VIDAL, M. (2007). The Theories and the Theorists: Why Theory is Important for Research – With Boerje Holmberg, Michael Graham Moore, Otto Peters. In Distances et Savoirs Vol 5(3), pp. 427- 458. https://ds.revuesonline.com/accueil.jsp
FICHTEN, W. & BERNATH, U. (2007). Struktur, Dialog und Autonomie in Medien vermitteltem Unterricht. In F. Linderkamp & M. Grünke (Hrsg.) (2007). Lern- und Verhaltensstörungen. Genese – Diagnostik – Intervention. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Verlag, S. 349 – 364
BERNATH, U. & SANGRÀ, A. (Eds.). (2007). Research on Competence Development in Online Distance Education and E-Learning – Selected Papers from the 4th EDEN Research Workshop in Castelldefels/Spain, October 25-28, 2006. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag. https://uol.de/c3l/forschung/publikationen/asf-serie
BERNATH, U. & FICHTEN, W. (2007). Das Weiterbildungsprojekt „Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen“: Innovation, Transformation, Wirkung. In Grundlagen der Weiterbildung-Praxishilfen (GdW-Ph) Nr. 67, Art.-Nr. 50521/März 2007, Neuwied: Luchterhand (Wolters Kluwer), ISBN 3-472-50520-6, 22 S.
BERNATH, U. & FICHTEN, W. (Hrsg.). (2006). Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen. Implementierung, Transformation und Wirkung einer berufsbegleitenden wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung. (2., erweiterte Aufl.), Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. https://uol.de/c3l/forschung/publikationen/asf-serie
JOHNSTONE, S.M. and BASU CONGER, S. with BERNATH, U., HUSSON, W.J., MAURANDI, A.L., PÉREZ de MADRIGAL, M.E. (2006). Strategic Alliances – Collaboration for Sustainability. In A. Hope & P. Guiton (eds.) Strategies for Sustainable Open and Distance Learning, World review of distance education and open learning: Vol. 6, London and New York: Routledge and Taylor & Francis Group, pp.111 – 130.
BERNATH, U. (2006). The online master of distance education and certificate in distance-education programmes jointly offered by the University of Maryland University College and Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. In A. Hope & P. Guiton (eds.) Strategies for Sustainable Open and Distance Learning, World review of distance education and open learning: Volume 6, London and New York: Routledge and Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 116 – 119.
BERNATH, U. (2005). Der online Master of Distance Education (MDE). In B. Lehmann & E. Bloh (Hrsg) Online-Pädagogik, Bd. 3: Referenzmodelle und Praxisbeispiel. Baltmannweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, S. 268 – 276
BERNATH, U. (2004). Qualitätsaspekte des eLearning. Broschüre III erstellt im Auftrag der Nordmedia – Die Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH. Kompetenzzentrum eLearning Niedersachsen.
RUBIN, E., BERNATH, U., PARKER, M. (June 2004). The Master of Distance Education Program: A Collaboration between the University of Maryland University College and Oldenburg University, In Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, Volume 8(3), pp. 53 – 70.
BERNATH, U. & SZÜCS, A. (Eds.) (2004). Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning, Proceedings of the Third EDEN Research Workshop, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany, March 4 – 6, 2004. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg. 556 pp.
BERNATH, U. & RUBIN, E. (2004). Student Retention Issues in the Online Master of Distance Education (MDE) – An Evidence-Based Approach. In U. Bernath & A. Szücs (eds.) Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning. Proceedings of the Third EDEN Research Workshop, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany, March 4 – 6, 2004. (pp. 363 – 369), Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
BERNATH, U. & HÜLSMANN, T. (2004). Low Cost/High Outcomes Approaches in Open, Distance and e-Learning. In U. Bernath & A. Szücs (eds.) Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning. Proceedings of the Third EDEN Research Workshop, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany, March 4 – 6, 2004. (pp. 485 – 491), Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
BERNATH, U., WAGNER, E., WELLENDORF, J. (2003). 25 Jahre Fernstudienzentren in Niedersachsen. In Jahrbuch 2003 der Gesellschaft der Freunde der FernUniversität e.V. (pp. 49 – 62), Hagen.
BERNATH, U. (2003, September). Das Fernstudienzentrum der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg – Kosten- und Leistungsaspekte ausgewählter Aufgabenbereiche. Beitrag im Rahmen der FiBS-Konferenz 2003 „eLearning an Hochschulen – Marktpotenziale und Geschäftsmodelle“ (30. Juni und 1. Juli 2003, Köln), FiBS-Forum No 17, Oldenburg/Köln 2003. 13 S.
BERNATH, U (2003). Student Satisfaction in the Online Master of Distance Education (MDE) – Preliminary Results. In A. Szücs & E. Wagner (eds.) The Quality Dialogue. Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning. Proceedings of the 2003 EDEN Annual Conference, Rhodos, Greece, 15 – 18 June, (pp. 195-200), Budapest: Eden Secretariat.
BERNATH, U. (2003). E-Learning im Fernstudienzentrum, In Einblicke, Forschungsmagazin der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 17. Jg., Nr. 37, Frühjahr 2003, p. 15.
BERNATH, U. & RUBIN, E. (Eds.) (2003). Reflections on Teaching and Learning in an Online Master Program – A Case Study. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg. 298 pp. https://uol.de/c3l/forschung/publikationen/asf-serie
BERNATH, U. & RUBIN, E. (2003). The Online Master of Distance Education (MDE): Its History and Realization, in: Bernath, U. & Rubin, E. (Eds), Reflections on Teaching and Learning in an Online Master Program – A Case Study (pp. 9 – 50). Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg. https://uol.de/c3l/forschung/publikationen/asf-serie
BERNATH, U., KLEINSCHMIDT, A., WALTI, C. & ZAWACKI, O. (2003). Challenges for study centers in an electronic age – A case study of the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, in: International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Vol. 4.1, Athabasca: Athabasca University.
NAIDU, S. & BERNATH, U. (2002, July/August). Training the trainers in the essentials of online learning. Paper presented at the Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning on Open Learning on Transforming Education for Development, Durban, South Africa.
BERNATH, U. (2002). The Online Master of Distance Education (MDE) – An International Program for Qualification and Development of Professionals, in: Szücs, A. & Wagner, E. (eds.). Open and Distance Learning in Europe and Beyond. Rethinking International Co-operation. Proceedings of the 2002 EDEN annual conference, held in Granada, Spain, 16 – 19 June, 2002 (pp. 235 – 241). Budapest: EDEN Secretariat.
BERNATH, U. & HÜLSMANN, Th. (2002). Asnchronous discussions in virtual seminars: might they work?, in: Research and Policy in Open and Distance Learning. Research Workshop Book, The Second Research Workshop of EDEN, University of Hildesheim, Germany, 21 – 23 March, 2002 (pp. 202 – 204). Budapest: EDEN Secretariat.
BERNATH, U. & KLEINSCHMIDT, A. (2002). Virtuelle Tutorien in einem Verbund von Fernstudienzentren, in: Bernath, U. (Ed.) (2002), Online Tutorien – Beiträge zum Spezialkongress „Distance Learning“ der AG-F im Rahmen der LEARNTEC 2002. Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, pp. 119 – 128.
BERNATH, U. (Ed.) (2002). Online Tutorien – Beiträge zum Spezialkongress „Distance Learning“ der AG-F im Rahmen der LEARNTEC 2002. Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. 202 pp.
BERNATH, U. (2001). Projektstudium – Fernstudium – Online-Studium. Beiträge zur Weiterentwicklung von Studium und Lehre. Dissertation im Fachbereich 1 (Pädagogik) der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
BERNATH, U., RUBIN, E. (2001). „Professional Development in Distance Education“- A Successful Experiment and Future Directions, in: Lockwood, F. & Gooley, A. (eds.), Innovations in Open and Distance Learning, London:Kogan Page, pp. 213 – 223.
BERNATH, U. (2000). Erfahrungen mit einem virtuellen Seminar, in: Einblicke, Forschungsmagazin der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Nr. 31/2000, pp. 17 – 19.
BERNATH, U., FICHTEN, W., KLAUS, J., RIEFORTH, J. (Eds.) (2000). Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Pflegekräfte in der Dialyse. Dokumentation einer betriebsinternen Fortbildung. Studien und Berichte der Arbeitsstelle Fernstudienforschung der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Band 1, Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag.
BERNATH, U. (2000). Berufsbezogene wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung „Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Krankenpflegepersonal“ – Mit einem Fernstudienelement in einem Universitätsverbund, in: BERNATH, U., FICHTEN, W., KLAUS, J., RIEFORTH, J. (Hrsg.) (2000), ibid., pp. 7 – 10.
BERNATH, U. (2000). Zum Adaptationsprozeß im Netzwerk der Veranstalter der Weiterbildung „Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung“, in: BERNATH, U., FICHTEN, W., KLAUS, J., RIEFORTH, J. (Hrsg.) (2000), ibid., pp. 49 – 52.
BERNATH, U. (1999). „Interdisziplinarität, Innovation und Transfer“ – am Beispiel der berufsbezogenen wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung „Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Krankenpflegepersonal“ der Universität Oldenburg, in: Graeßner, G./Brödel, R. (Eds.), Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung im Netz der Wissenschaften. – Interdisziplinarität, Innovation, Transfer – Beispiele aus Umweltschutz und Gesundheit. Dokumentation der 26. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Universitäre Erwachsenenbildung (AUE – Hochschule und Weiterbildung) an der Bildungswissenschaftlichen Hochschule – Universität Flensburg, 25./26. September 1997. AUE-Beiträge 36. AUE e.V. – Hochschule und Weiterbildung, Hamburg, pp. 90 – 93.
BERNATH, U., RUBIN, E. (Eds.) (1999). Final Report and Documentation of the Virtual Seminar for Professional Development in Distance Education. A Project within the AT&T Global Distance Learning Initiative sponsered by the AT&T Foundation and the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag.
BERNATH, U., FICHTEN, W. (1999). Adaptation in distance education – new experiences from networking universities in Germany. In: Open Learning, Volume 14, 1/99, pp. 45 – 50
BERNATH, U., RUBIN, E. (1998). A Virtual Seminar for International Professional Development in Distance Education, In: Universities in a Digital Era. Transformation, Innovation and Tradition. Roles and Perspectives of Open and Distance Learning. Proceedings of the 7th European Distance Education Network (EDEN) Conference, held at the University of Bologna, Italy, 24 – 26 June 1998, Volume 1, European Distance Education Network: Budapest, pp. 141 – 144.
BERNATH, U., RUBIN, E. (1998). Virtual Seminars for University Faculty and Administrators „Professional Development in Distance Education“ – A comparative approach to evaluation, in: Online Educa Berlin, 4th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning, Book of Abstracts, Dec 2 – 4, 1998 Berlin, Bonn: International WHERE + HOW, pp. 287 – 292.
BERNATH, U., RUBIN, E. (1998). A Virtual Seminar for International Professional Development in Distance Education, in: INFORMATIK FORUM, Fachzeitschrift für Informatik, Vol 12, 1/98, pp. 18 – 23.
BERNATH, U. (1998). Lernen im Internet: „A Virtual Seminar for University Faculty and Administrators – Professional Development in Distance Education“, in: Mechthild Hauff (Hrsg.), media@uni-multi.media? Entwicklung – Gestaltung – Evaluation neuer Medien. Medien in der Wissenschaft, Bd. 6. Münster/New York/München/Berlin:Waxmann, pp. 113 – 122.
BERNATH, U. (1997). Mit einer Fernstudienkomponente und einem Netzwerk auf neuen Wegen in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung. Am Beispiel der „Psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung“ für Krankenpflegepersonal im Netzwerk der Universitäten Berlin (FU), Bern, Frankfurt a. M., Hamburg, Hildesheim, Karlsruhe, Koblenz-Landau und Oldenburg, in: AUE-Informationsdienst Hochschule und Weiterbildung 1/97, pp. 29 – 32.
BERNATH, U. (1996). Distance Education in Mainstream Higher Education: A Strategic Issue for Central Resource and Developing Units at Conventional Universities, in: Internationalism in Distance Education: A Vision for Higher Education – Selected papers from the first International Distance Education Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, June 1994. Edited by Melody M. Thompson, ACSDE Research Monograph No. 10, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, pp. 45 – 51.
BERNATH, U., KLEINSCHMIDT, A. (1995). Netzwerke: Ein neuer Weg im Fernstudium, in: UNI-INFO, Hrsg.: Pressestelle der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 22. Jhrg. 4/95, p. 5.
BERNATH, U., KLEINSCHMIDT, A. (1995). Studienorientierung und Studienvorbereitung für Grundwehrdienst- und Zivildienstleistende: Das Projekt „GruZi“, in: G. Stenzel (Hrsg.) Studienorientierung. Beiträge zu Fragen des Hochschulzugangs und der Studienvorbereitung, Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg, pp. 41 – 46.
BERNATH, U., BEELEN, H. (Eds.) (1994). Integration von fremdsprachigen Fernstudien in das Präsenzstudium. Dokumentation des „Erprobungsmodells ‚Europäisch studieren“ im Studiengang Niederlandistik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg im Wintersemester 1992/93, Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg
BERNATH, U. (1994). Bildungspolitische Rahmenbedingungen zur Integration von Fernstudien in das Präsenzstudium mit europäischer Dimension, in: BERNATH, U., BEELEN, H. (Hrsg.) (1994), ibid., pp. 26 – 33.
BEELEN, H., BERNATH, U. (1994). Bericht über das gemeinsame Projektmanagement für das „Erprobungsmodell ‚Europäisch studieren'“, in: BERNATH, U., BEELEN, H. (Hrsg.) (1994), ibid., pp. 34 – 36.
BERNATH, U., (1994). Vorwort, in: Europäisiserung der Hochschulbildung (1994) Das Fernstudium und die offenen europäischen Universitäten. Zentrale Einrichtung Fernstudienzentrum der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg, pp. 7 – 9
BERNATH, U. (1994). Proposal for Multifunctional Resource and Developing Centres at Conventional Universities to Promote Higher Distance Teaching and Open Learning in the European Open University Network, in: Palank/Pronk (Eds.), EuroStudyCentres. Beiträge zur Entstehung des European Open University Network. Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik, 18.Jg., Heft 1. pp. 93 – 103.
BERNATH, U. (1994). The Centre for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, in: Open Learning, The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Vol.9, 3/94, pp. 52 – 58
BEELEN, U., BERNATH, U. (1993). Studying with a European Dimension, in: EADTU-News, Newsletter of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 12/93, pp. 19 – 22.
15 JAHRE (1993). Beratung und Betreuung für Studieninteressenten und Studierende der FernUniversität -Gesamthochschule – Hagen durch das Fernstudienzentrum der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Hrsg.: Universität Oldenburg, Zentrale Einrichtung Fernstudienzentrum, Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg
BERNATH, U. (1993). Beratung und Betreuung von Fernstudenten der FernUniversität Hagen durch niedersächsische Fernstudienzentren – an Beispielen des Fernstudienzentrums der Universität Oldenburg, in: 15 JAHRE (1993) ibid., pp. 7 – 31
BERNATH, U. (1993). Zur Stellung und zum Stellenwert der Mentorentätigkeit im Fernstudiensystem der FernUniversität Hagen, in: 15 JAHRE (1993) ibid., pp. 32 – 44.
BERNATH, U., HOHLFELD, G. (1993). Ergebnisse einer „Drop-out“-Untersuchung des Fernstudienzentrums der Universität Oldenburg, in: 15 JAHRE (1993), ibid., pp. 78 – 87
BERNATH, U., HOHLFELD, G., KLEINSCHMIDT, A. (1993). Fernstudium und wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung in der Region, in: 15 JAHRE (1993) ibid., pp. 103 – 110
BERNATH, U. (1993). Eine abschließende Betrachtung über 15 Jahre Fernstudienzentrum der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, in: 15 JAHRE (1993) ibid., pp. 111 -122. (in English: Summarizing Remarks on 15 Years of the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.)
BERNATH, U., FICHTEN, W. (1993). Towards Modules in Open Distance Learning for Nurses, in: EADTU-News, Newsletter of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 14/1993, pp. 38 – 39.
BERNATH, U. (1993). Regionalisierung im Fernstudium – Netzwerke zwischen Hochschulen und Weiterbildungsträgern der Region, in: H. Asselmeyer, H. Gauger, B. Klinge, E. Wagner (Hrsg.), Fernstudium – Neue Initiativen in Ost und West. Hildesheim: Franzbecker, pp. 95 – 104.
BERNATH, U. (1993). The Networking of Study Centre at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, in: EADTU-News, Newsletter of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 13/1993, pp. 16 – 20
BERNATH, U. (1993). Begleituntersuchungen im Projekt „GruZi“, in: BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR BILDUNG UND WISSENSCHAFT (Hrsg.) (1993) Studienorientierung und Studienvorbereitung für Grundwehrdienst- und Zivildienstleistende. Dokumentation einer Klausurtagung. Oldenburg, pp. 118 – 141.
BERNATH, U. (1992). Zur Stellung und zum Stellenwert der Mentorentätigkeit im Fernstudiensystem der FernUniversität Hagen. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag aus dem (nicht-nordrhein-westfälischen) Fernstudienzentrum der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg im Jahre 1991, in: BÜCKMANN, N.-M., ORTNER, G.E., SCHUEMER, R. (Hrsg.) (1992) Lehre und Betreuung im Fernstudium, Abschlußbericht zum Ringkolloquium des ZIFF im Wintersemester 91/92, FernUniversität – Gesamthochschule – Hagen, pp. 75-87
BERNATH, U., LAUTH, G.W. (1992). Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung als Aufgabe der Weiterbildung von Krankenhauspflegepersonal, in: Gesundheitsförderung, Eine Investition für die Zukunft. Internationale Konferenz, Bonn, 17.- 19. Dezember 1990. Erziehung, Ausbildung und Forschung. Ergänzungsband Nr. 2 zum Konferenzbericht, Hrsg.: Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands (WIAD) e.V., Bonn, pp. 74 – 78
BERNATH, U. (1990). Grundlagen psychologischer Gesundheitsförderung, in: Neue Erfahrungen mit flexiblen Lehr-/Lernmodellen. Beiträge zur Hochschulreform. Materialien des Instituts für Entwicklungsplanung und Strukturforschung, Bd. 135. Hannover, pp. 71 – 74
BERNATH, U., FICHTEN, W., LAUTH, G.W., ROHLFING, U. (Eds.) (1989). Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung als Weiterbildungsmodell für das Krankenhauspflegepersonal. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg
BERNATH, U., PAULEY, G. (Eds.) (1984). Gasthörer im Fernstudium – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung über norddeutsche Gasthörer der FernUniversität. Universität Oldenburg, Zentrale Einrichtung Fernstudienzentrum, Studien und Berichte, Bd.3, Oldenburg
BERNATH, U. (1984). Studientage als wesentliches Element eines Konzeptes zur Beratung und Betreuung von Fernstudenten in niedersächsischen Fernstudieneinrichtungen – am Beispiel der Zentralen Einrichtung Fernstudienzentrum der Universität Oldenburg, in: ARBEITSBERICHT DER NIEDERSÄCHSISCHEN FERNSTUDIENEINRICHTUNGEN (1984) Aufgaben, Arbeitsergebnisse, Entwicklungsperspektiven; Berichtszeitraum: 1978 – 1983. Hrsg.: Hochschule Hildesheim, Zentrale Arbeitsstelle für das Fernstudium, Hildesheim, pp. 47 – 62
BERNATH, U., BRANDES, U. (1984). Internationale Zusammenarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung von Beratungs- und Betreuungskonzepten im Fernstudium, in: ARBEITSBERICHT DER NIEDERSÄCHSISCHEN FERNSTUDIENEINRICHTUNGEN (1984), ibid., pp. 143 – 150
BERNATH, U., HOHLFELD, G. (1983). Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung über den Einfluß von Distanz auf die Lernsituation von Studenten der FernUniversität im Einzugsgebiet des Fernstudienzentrums der Universität Oldenburg, in: Mentor aktuell 1+2/83, Hrsg.: FernUniversität – Gesamthochschule, Hagen, pp. 5 – 20
BERNATH, U., BRANDES, U (1983). Studienzentren in Niedersachsen: Beratung und Betreuung sind eng verknüpft, in: Das Studienzentrum im System der FernUniversität, Con-tacte 1/83, Hrsg.: FernUniversität – Gesamthochschule, Hagen, pp. 44 – 47
BERNATH, U. (1981). Fernstudienzentrum der Universität Oldenburg, in: JAHRESBERICHT 1979/80 DER NIEDERSÄCHSISCHEN FERNSTUDIENZENTREN (1980) Arbeitsergebnisse – Aufgaben – Perspektiven; Berichtszeitraum: Oktober 1979 bis September 1980. Hrsg.: Hochschule Hildesheim, Zentrale Arbeitsstelle für das Fernstudium, Hildesheim, pp. 57 – 75
BERNATH, U. (1979). Fernstudienzentrum der Universität Oldenburg, in: JAHRESBERICHT DER NIEDERSÄCHSISCHEN FERNSTUDIENZENTREN (1979) Arbeitsergebnisse – Aufgaben – Perspektiven; Berichtszeitraum: Juli 1978 bis September 1979. Hrsg.: Hochschule Hildesheim, Zentrale Arbeitsstelle für das Fernstudium, Hildesheim, pp. 31 – 42
BERNATH, U., KRACK, J (1979). Lehrerausbildung in Oldenburg und Kooperation mit der DGB-Bundesschule in Springe, in: Bamberg/Kröger/Kuhlmann (Hrsg.), Hochschulen und Gewerkschaften. Erfahrungen, Analysen und Perspektiven gewerkschaftlicher Kooperationspraxis, Köln:Bund-Verlag, pp. 322 – 331
BERNATH, U., HOLTMANN, A. (Eds.) (1978). Sekundarstufe II. Probleme, Modelle, Analysen – Beiträge des Colloquiums WS 77/78 -, Materialien zur Kooperation zwischen Schule und Universität, Hrsg.: Zentrum für pädagogische Berufspraxis der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg
BERNATH, U., WINDELBERG, J. (1978). Strukturpolitik in peripheren Gebieten, in: Frankfurter Hefte, Zeitschrift für Kultur und Politik, Sonderheft Zukunft konkret, 4/1978, pp. 59-65
BERNATH, U. (1978). Vorbemerkungen und Dokumentation des Verlaufs des Arbeitsvorhabens, in: PROJEKT: RÄUMLICHE ENTWICKLUNGSPROZESSE (1978) Produktions- und Arbeitsverhältnisse im Entwicklungsraum Ostfriesland (EROF), Arbeitsvorhaben (SoSem 76 – WS 77/78), Wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik als Unterrichtsthema – Ein Kursmodell für die Sek. II. Materialien P 10, Berichte aus den Projekten. Hrsg.: Zentrum für pädagogische Berufspraxis der Universität Oldenburg, OLdenburg (unverändert ebenfalls erschienen bei: PAD, Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle Dortmund, Dortmund 1978), pp. 5 – 52
BERNATH, U., DIEKHAUS, H.G. (1978). Wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik – Anstelle der „Sachanalyse“ ein „Gesamtreferat“, in: PROJEKT: RÄUMLICHE ENTWICKLUNGSPROZESSE, ibid., pp. 54 – 58
BERNATH, U. (1978). Didaktische Grundlegungen für den Kurs „Wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik“, in: PROJEKT: RÄUMLICHE ENTWICKLUNGSPROZESSE, ibid., pp. 128 – 156
BERNATH, U.(1977). Einphasige Lehrerausbildung und Kooperation mit dem DGB – Am Beispiel des Arbeitsvorhabens (AV 07) „Strukturpolitik als Unterrichts- und Schulungsthema“ im Projekt „Entwicklungsraum Ostfriesland“ (EROF), in: Studium, Lehre, Forschung 1/77. Hrsg.: Pressestelle der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg
BERNATH, U. (1977). Ansatzpunkte für eine kritische Einschätzung des Projektes „Curriculum Wirtschaftslehre“, in: PROJEKT „CURRICULUM WIRTSCHAFTTSLEHRE“, a.a.O., pp. 399 – 428
BERNATH, U. (1977). Projekt Curriculum Wirtschaftslehre SoSem 1976 – SoSem 1977, in: PROJEKT „CURRICULUM WIRTSCHAFTTSLEHRE“ (1977) SoSem 76 – SoSem 77 Berichte über unterrichtspraktische Vorhaben, Stellungnahmen zum Projektstudium und zur Einphasigen Lehrerausbildung. Materialien P5, Berichte aus den Projekten. Hrsg.: Zentrum für pädagogische Berufspraxis der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg (unverändert ebenfalls erschienen bei: PAD, Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle Dortmund, Dortmund 1978)
BERNATH, U. (1977). Einphasige Lehrerausbildung, Projektstudium und fachliche Qualifizierung, in: Zur Schulpraktischen Ausbildung in der Sekundarstufe II – Berichte/Daten/Hinweise -. Materialien zur Kooperation zwischen Schule und Universität, Heft 7. Hrsg.: Zentrum für pädagogische Berufspraxis der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, pp. 8 – 11
BERNATH, U., SCHOLZ, C. (1976). Probleme beim Einsatz entwicklungspolitischer Filme im Unterricht, in: Handbuch des entwicklungspolitischen Films. Mit einer Einführung in Medientheorie und Medienpraxis. Hrsg.: Projektbereich Dritte Welt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholischer Studenten- und Hochschulgemeinden (AGG), Bonn, pp. 73 – 79
BERNATH, U. (1976). Lernvoraussetzungen von Abiturienten und Nichtabiturienten für das Hochschulstudium. Untersuchung bei Studenten des LA Wirtschaftswissenschaften, in: Studium, Lehre, Forschung 1/76. Hrsg.: Pressestelle der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg
BERNATH, U. (1976). Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftskrise 1974 – 76 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit einem Anhang zu wirtschaftspolitischen Alternativen, Lollar: Achenbach
BERNATH, U. (1974). Aktuelle volkswirtschaftliche Probleme. Sonderseiten: Inflation, Weltwährungssystem, Einkommenspolitik, Wirtschaftliches Wachstum, Konjunktur. Hrsg: Hessische Landeszentrale für poltische Bildung, Wiesbaden
BERNATH, U. (1973). Volkswirtschaftliche Stichwörter [Abschreibungen, Arbeitslosigkeit, Außenhandel u.a., insgesamt 24], in: Gesellschaft und Staat: Lexikon der Politik, Drechsler/Hilligen/Neumann (Hrsg.), 3. bis 7. Aufl., Baden-Baden: Signal-Verlag
Presentations (selected):
June 16, 2007. EFMD CEL Programme Accreditation for Technology-Enhanced Learning – Lessons Learned from Accredited Programmes. Paper presented at the EDEN 2007 Annual Conference in
December 1, 2005. The „e“ in German Distance Education. Lecture given at the Kongelig Norsk Ambassade (Norwegian Ambassy) in
November 7, 2005. Teaching and Learning Scenarios in the Electronic Age. Workshop held with Axel Kleinschmidt at the School of Management (SOM) of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok/Thailand.
October 20, 2005. Critical Issues of Online Distance Education and the Educational Reform. Keynote given at the 2005 China International Distance Education Conference,
September 21, 2005. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (
September 15, 2005. Quality Issues in E-Learning. Lecture given at UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro/Brasil.
April 20, 2005. Code of Good Practice in Distance Education. Presentation at the eLearning Quality Assurance and Return on Investment Working Forum in
Nov 13, 2004. Portfolio in the Online Master of Distance Education (MDE) at Formal Learning Panel (Post-secondary/higher education – ePortfolio Assessment). Presentation at ePortfolio Canada 2004 Forum in
April 14, 2004. From campus-based to online teaching & learning. Workshop held with Axel Kleinschmidt at the University for Peace, San José/Costa Rica
March 6, 2004. Low cost/high outcomes approaches in open, distance and e-learning. Paper presented with Thomas Hülsmann in the workshop on „Cost-effective strategies & solution in open, distance, and e-learning (ODeL)“ at the Third EDEN Research Workshop on „Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning“ in
March 5, 2004. Student retention issues in the online Master of Distance Education (MDE) – An evidence-based approach. Paper presented with Eugene Rubin in the workshop on „drop-in/drop-ot and retentions issues in open, distance, and e-learning“ at the Third EDEN Research Workshop on „Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning“ in
September 29, 2003. Best Practice Weiterbildung: Der Online Master of Distance Education (MDE). Presentation of best practices in continuing education and professional development at the Campus Innovation Hamburg Conference on „Meet the Best in E-Learning“, September 29 – October 1, 2003 in
September 15, 2003. Die Welt des Fernstudiums (The world of distance education). ExpertInnen-Gespräch „Die Zukunft des e-Learnings in der Steiermark“ am 15. September 2003 in Graz/Österreich
July 1, 2003. Universität Oldenburg, Center for Distance Education: Geschäftsmodelle und Marketing-Strategien. (The Centre’s business models and marketing strategies.) Workshop given at the conference on „eLearning an Hochschulen – Marktpotenziale und Geschäftsmodelle“ (e-Learning in Higher Education – the potential market and business models) by a nationally renown research institute, the Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie,
June 17, 2003. Student Satisfaction in the Online Master of Distance Education (MDE) – Preliminary Results. Paper presented at the 12th EDEN Annual Conference on „The Quality Dialogue. Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning“,
May 7, 2003. Challenges for Research in e-Learning. Lecture given to the Fellows of the Hanse Institute of Advanced Studies at the occasion of their biannual visit at Carl von Ossietzky University of
February 7, 2003. Distance Learning: Netzwerke und Kooperationsmodelle. Programme chair and moderator of the one-day-conference section on behalf of the German Association for University Distance Education at the LEARNTEC in
August 9, 2002. Content & Kooperation im MDE. Lecture given at the OFFIS-Tag 2002 in
June 18, 2002. The Online Master of Distance Education (MDE) – An International Program for Qualification and Development of Professionals. Paper presented at the 11th EDEN Annual Conference on „Open and Distance Learning in
May 15, 2002. Colloquium on „Partnerships“ held at The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in
March 23, 2002. Asynchronous discussions in virtual seminars: might they work? Workshop given in collaboration with Thomas Hülsmann at the Second EDEN Research Workshop on „Research and Policy in Open and Distance Learning“,
February 8, 2002. Educational Challenges and the Role of Distance Learning. Programme chair and moderator of the one-day-conference section on behalf of the German Association for University Distance Education at the LEARNTEC in
October 7, 2001. Challenges for study centres in an electronic age. Keynote Address at the 9th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning on „Supporting the Student in Open and Distance Learning“, Cambridge, U.K., 7 – 10 October, 2001.
May 23, 2001. Working with the Pros and Cons of the Internet. Moderator at the Meetings of Like Minds on „Borderless Education: Partnerships in Open and Distance Learning“ at the World Education Market (WEM) in
December 5, 2000. Continuing education of nurses. Lecture given at the FLUID Conference on „A World of Opportunities“,
November 20 – 21, 2000. Nokia Mobile Learning Think Tank. Invited Participant.
October 25, 2000. From Experiments to Everyday Practice in Distance Education. Background reading presented to the 14th AAOU Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: „Ideology, Pedagogy & Technology“ in
April 6, 2000. Tutoring across International boundaries. Workshop given at the OU UK Student Services Millennium Conference on „Supporting Learners in the Electronic Age“,
June 23, 1999. An International Virtual Seminar for University Faculty and Administrators: „Professional Development in Distance Education“. A Successful Experiment and Future Directions. Paper jointly presented with Dr. E. Rubin at the 19th ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, Vienna, June 20 – 24, 1999
November 28, 1997. Virtual Tutoring – A New Approach Challenging Future Developments in Distance Education. Paper presented to the International Conference for Managers of EuroStudyCentres, ESC 97, in
Grants received:
Weiterbilungs-Netzwerk im Verbund norddeutscher Hochschulen – WiN. (Networked continuing education by North German universities). A joint project by the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Bremen and the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg granted by the Bund-Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion with 238,150 Euro in 2004 – 2006.
Ökonomische Bildung Online. (Economic education online). Jointly granted by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Ludwig-Erhard Foundation, the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation, and the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft with 2.8 Mio. Euro in 2001 – 2004. The Center for Distance Education is the project partner responsible for the learning and content management systems, training and professional development, and shares project management tasks.
Multimedialer Kooperationsverbund: Hochschule für Gesundheit. (A mulitmedia and networking approach to higher education in health). Granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 2.5 Mio. Euro in 2001 – 2003. The Center for Distance Education is project partner responsible for professional development, quality assurance and evaluation.
Vorbereitung von „Pre-Conference Events“. (Preparing pre-conference events – in the context of ICDE’s World Conference in Germany). Granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 60,000 Euro.
Virtuelle Lernräume im Studium. (Virtual learning spaces in higher education). Granted by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture with 450,000 Euro in 1999 – 2001 and again with 120,000 Euro in 2001 – 2002. A project jointly conducted by the centers for distance education at the universities in Hildesheim, Lüneburg, and Oldenburg and in collaboration with a multitude of faculty from the respective universities. The project resulted in the establishment of VIAonline, a competence center for online distance learning.
Master of Distance Education. Granted by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 120,000 Euro in 1999 – 2000 to develop four online courses, which constitute the Foundations of Distance Education certificate program as an integrated part of the online Master of Distance Education program jontly to be offered by the University of Maryland University College and Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
Mentorielle Betreuung im Internet. (Online tutorials in distance education). Granted by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture with 48,000 Euro in 1998 – 2000.
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Gemeinschaftsprojekt zur Weiterbildung von Fachkräften im Gesundheitswesen. (Joint German-American project for the development of health care professionals). Granted by the Robert Bosch Foundation with 7,500 Euro to support the adaptation of the German course material into the American context in 1998.
Lernwelten der Zukunft. Zwischen Vision und Alltagspraxis. Eine Ausstellung zur Integration von Lernorten und Lernformen im Rahmen der Sonderveranstaltung CHANCEN 2000 auf der CeBIT Home’98. ( The Future of learning and training. Innovative settings and modes at the CeBIT Home’98.) Granted by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture with 5,000 Euro and by the Deutsche Messe AG, the organiser of the CeBIT Home and other fairs, with free exhibition space in 1998.
International Distance Education Faculty Development Program. Granted by the AT&T Foundation in conjunction with the ICDE „Global Distance Learning Initiative“ with 70,000 US Dollar to develop a virtual seminar for professional development in distance education in 1996 – 1997. A joint project of the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and the Institute for Distance Education of the University of Maryland System.
Erweiterung des Fernstudienzentrums Oldenburg zu einem Europäischen Fernstudienzentrum in Kooperation mit der FernUniversität Hagen und der Open Universiteit (NL). (The extension of the Center for Distance Education to a European Distance Study Center in Co-operation with the FernUniversität in Hagen and the Dutch Open universiteit). Granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 25,000 Euro in 1992.
Entwicklung und Erprobung von Angeboten der Weiterbildung für Grundwehrdienst- und Zivildienstleistende mit Fachhochschul- und Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (GruZi). (Developing and offering preparatory courses for young men on military and civil-service duty with entrance qualifications for institutions in higher education). Granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 98,000 Euro in 1990 – 1992.
Entlastung der Präsenzhochschulen durch Einsatz von Fernstudienangeboten in den Studiengängen Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Informatik. (Consolation of the higher education system through the development of distance teaching programs in business administration and computer science). A joint project by the Centers for Distance Education at Hildesheim, Lüneburg and Oldenburg University granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 575,000 Euro in 1990 – 1995. The share for the Center for Distance Education at Oldenburg University was 150,000 Euro.
Koperationsmodell zur Beratung und Betreuung von Fernstudenten in der Region zentraler Weiterbildungseinrichtungen (Modellvorhaben „Regio“ ). (A regional co-operation model for counseling and tutoring of distant students). A joint project by the Centers for Distance Education at Hildesheim, Lüneburg and Oldenburg University granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science with 370,000 Euro in 1985 – 1988. The share for the Center for Distance Education at Oldenburg University was 120,000 Euro.
Gemeinsames Studienprogramm: Informatische Grundkenntnisse für Lehrer (LiF). (A joint teacher training program on basic computer skills by the Dutch University of Leeuwarden, the Danish University of Aarhus, and Oldenburg University). Granted by the European Commission with 4,600 Euro in 1985 – 1986
Europäisches Kooperationsseminar: „Life-long Learning by distance study – A regional approach and an international comparison“ (2. – 6. Juni 1985). (An international seminar). Granted by the European Commission with 10,500 Euro. Sören Nipper presented for the first time his later often cited „Three generations of DE“ approach.